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Business Talk 24-7

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Andrea Hancock with Mattress Safe

Andrea Hancock and Dominick Rainey

Andrea Hancock and Dominick Rainey

Andrea Hancock/Mattress Safe

Mattress Safe is a local manufacturer providing quality, waterproof yet breathable mattress protection products to protect your mattress from bed bugs, dust mites, spills, mold and bacteria. They specialize in both consumer and commercial applications throughout the US and internationally.

Protecting your mattress just makes sense. At Mattress Safe, you will find the most luxurious, state-of-the-art mattress encasement options, detailed to fit any mattress. Keep your family safe and healthy, and ensure a good night’s sleep with the right mattress protector. Their fully waterproof, allergy mattress encasing products keep dust mites, mold, and bacteria from penetrating the mattress. All products, including mattress, box spring, and pillow covers, are fire retardant, and are tested and certified for reliable bed bug protection.


Carey Sipp with Revenue Revealed and Dr. Bill Lampton with Championship Communication

Dominick Rainey, Carey Sipp, Dr. Bill Lampton

Dominick Rainey, Carey Sipp, Dr. Bill Lampton

Carey Sipp/Revenue Revealed

Revenue Revealed are the revenue architects who help you be sure you’re not leaving money on the table. By analyzing your business, markets, positioning – all factors – they will find new ways to help you generate more revenue – for examples, watch 7 Core Ways to Add Revenue to Any Business on their website at; schedule a free, 45 minute strategy session with them today!

Dr. Bill Lampton/Championship Communication

Through his company Championship Communication, Dr. Bill Lampton helps companies strengthen their communication strategies and tactics so they will improve their sales, customer service, teamwork, and management. Dr. Lampton also helps corporate leaders learn to speak confidently, clearly, and convincingly. His top-tier client list includes Gillette, Procter and Gamble, Duracell, University of Georgia Athletic Association, Missouri Bar, Ritz-Carlton Cancun and British Columbia Legal Management Association.